Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Safely Clean Mold, Mildew and Scum

No matter how diligent you are, you probably get mold, mildew and scum in your shower. Most commercial cleaners made to clean showers are very strong and unhealthy to breathe. Bleach is especially dangerous to your health.

Here is a wonderful alternative that has virtually no smell and is completely non-toxic.

You will need:

Hydrogen peroxide

castille soap

Baking soda


Microfiber cloth or a rag

Mix a few drops of soap, about an ounce of peroxide and a handful of soda into a bowl. Dip a microfiber cloth into mix and apply to mold and scum. Work small sections at time, replenishing mixture when necessary. Don't make a lot at once, as the fizz created when combining ingredients acts to remove mold and scum.
Scrub with brush if necessary and rinse.

For a free guide to other non-toxic cleaning products, go to: http://www.harmoniousenvironment.com/From%20Toxic%20to%20Safe%20and%20Healthy.htm.

For many more tips, read the award winning book,

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