Wednesday, September 26, 2007

White Pesto Sauce for Ravioli or Tortellini

I bought homemade asparagus and smoked mozzarella ravioli from the farmer's market a few weeks ago, but felt that a pesto or tomato sauce would overpower the mild flavor of the raviolis. So, I came up with the following sauce and it worked beautifully! Plan to use the sauce on all kinds of raviolis and tortellini.

Handful of garlic, chopped
Olive oil and/or butter
Almonds, slivered (try pine nuts, too)
Saute garlic in olive oil and/or butter on medium flame until golden, add almonds and cook until brown. Turn off heat and add remaining ingredients. Toss onto cooked pasta.

For many more tips, go to:
Harmonious Environment:Beautify, Detoxify & Energize Your Life, Your Home & Your Planet

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